Opening Ceremony and Workshop Hari Pertama The 8th Internet Governance Forum, IGF 2013 Bali

Mr. Tifatul Sembiring, Indonesia ICT Minister
(Source:emil huseynov)
Pada hari Selasa tanggal 22 Oktober 2013, Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring secara resmi membuka Forum Tata Kelola Internet ke-8 yang diadakan di Nusa Dua, Bali. Dalam acara yang dihadiri sangat banyak peserta dan utusan berbagai negara, organisasi dan bisnis tersebut ia menyambut baik diadakannya Forum Tata Kelola Internet yang kali ini diadakan di Indonesia. 

Dalam Opening Ceremony tersebut juga turut memberikan kata sambutan Thomas Gass dari UNDESA. Juga turut menyampaikan sambutannya Menteri Komunikasi Brazil, Paulo Bernardo Silva. Dalam sambutannya ia mengatakan betapa pentingnya model baru bagi Tata Kelola Internet yang memungkinkan internet menjadi demokratis dan transparan yang memungkinkan untuk memastikan hak asasi manusia.

Terdapat sangat banyak workshop yang berlangsung secara paralel di hari pertama Forum Tata Kelola Internet ini. Dalam catatan saya terdapat 20 workshop yang membahas berbagai topik seperti privasi, keamanan, kebebasan berekspresi, internet untuk penanggulangan bencana, dan masih banyak lainnya.

Ringkasan workshop tersebut dapat saya sajikan sebagai berikut

1. Emerging Cybersecurity Threats, focused on emerging cybersecurity threats, including mobile and cloud security, and the implications on Internet governance. The discussion encompassed a discussion of the threats, while also discussed proactive strategies and solutions for addressing emerging cybersecurity threats. 

2. Protection of Children Online, discussed effective ways to protect children from online threats, including sexual harassment and sites of violent nature with the focus on needs and specificities of developing countries. 

3. Power of Internet for Disaster management and Environmental monitoring, provided an overview on the use of Internet based services and ICTs for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and disaster management; policy, legal and regulatory frameworks; international cooperation for disaster management in countries. In addition, the workshop addressed how the use of “Big Data” will add new and potential capability for disaster management. 

4. Internet Governance and Open Government Data Initiatives, as consumers and citizens are increasingly conducting more of their personal and business lives from mobile internet enabled devices, personal data about these activities is often shared in real-time between different parties across the globe. The workshop looked at how mobile data can be used to provide social and economic good while balancing privacy and strengthening consumer confidence and trust. It also looked at the role of regulatory frameworks in creating social and economic opportunities while helping mobile users understand and control how their personal information is managed.

Quote penting yang dikemukakan beberapa tokoh dalam Forum Tata Kelola Internet ini yang cukup penting untuk diketahui adalah sebagai berikut.

If You want to go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want to Go Far, Go Together (Fadi Chehade, ICANN CEO)
Over the years Internet Governance Forum is finally growing a premier league of global diplomacy. Everybody comes here because they realize the central part that the internet is playing and will play in the future. (Nnenna Nwkanma, Civil Society, Africa Regional Coordinator  World Wide Foundation)
I am very hopeful that the internet is not invented by government, it was invented by many stakeholder, and I am very hopeful that its governance will become very strong. ( Thomas Gass, UNDESA)


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